Sunday, July 24, 2011

Week 3-Wimba

Abstracts, Week 4 Wimba, Publishing Project, Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!

This weeks wimba left my head spinning. I love the book but I could hardly focus on that part. So much to do...

I do appreciate the clarification on all of these up and coming issues (did you say meany pants?). I need to come up with a better plan. I have let technical issues, the laws of inertia due to a week off, and personal habits become a bit of hindrance during this month. Re-focusing as I type...

It's both exciting and scary to be getting near the end. I am anxious to get my publishing project up to speed and I look forward to presenting to the class. I may even make a live Wimba appearance this week. I know... rare this time of year. I'm like the southern bigfoot.

Ohhhh, although I took in the archive I still want to participate in the 'pop show and tell.'

"Are You Ready for some Football?"

That is my show and tell. Looks like the NFL will have its house in order to start the season. I am ecstatic. I was worried about my Sundays. What was I going to do? Be productive... Spend time with family...

Nah, thanks to the new CBA.


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