Sunday, July 31, 2011

Wk 4-Reading

To me, this is one of the most powerful quotes in the book The Art of Possibility. It is reminder about the importance of the moment and what is at stake. Indeed, it is the task of us all to produce and procure the betterment of others. We are truly one big WE.

Although this desire to work in consort with his fellow man for the greater good should be the responsibility of everyone, it is even more so for those of us who have chosen to teach. It is by definition the core of our chosen path. This quote reminds us that our relationships with our students are dynamic and sometimes unpredictable. Educators talk about 'the teachable moment.' That elusive moment when all is in line. Eureka! Epiphany. They get it. But, how do we know when we are upon this moment? Is there a sign? Any experienced teacher knows that sometimes it is apparent. It is obvious, but it is still hard to define. These moments are not what the quote is referring to however. The quote is reminding us of that moment that we aren't aware.

Occasionally I am amazed by a former student. He or she will come and talk to me about some moment or lesson or incident that transpired in my class. Often, to me, it was not a moment of great consequence. It was just another stop on the path, a click of the clock. As my former student talks about this moment I can see a spark. I can see passion. Usually, I feel bad that I do not remember the moment as fondly or vividly or at all. It actually makes me feel like I am not holding up my part of the contract

It always reminds me of the power that we have in the classroom. Like the quote says we truly do not know what sparks may ignite passion. It may be imperceptible. Because of this dynamic, as a teacher we need to be on and bring it everyday. We are always making impressions and shaping our students. We do not want to miss that ever important teachable moment.


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