Sunday, December 5, 2010

BP_7 Commercial


lilmisse said...

There is only one word for this. AMAZING. Great way to show off the site and keep your audience in stitches the whole time. Check it out. :) still giggling. This looks so fun to work with. I know kids like mine would enjoy this, but just curious does it work as well with older students as they are usually more prone to scoffing at materials thats arent completely up to date and 3D and all that stuff. You said you work more with the teachers now too, so what ideas do you get across for them using a tool like this? Your doing great here and I cant wait to see what is to come.

TSalters said...

I enjoyed your video and the tool you selected to feature. I believe I could use this tool with many of my art classes or even as a tool to introduce a new unit!
A bit of novelty to engage them in the learning process!
Thanks for sharing!

Tinatchr said...

Loved this site! This was fun to play with and discover my inner director! It's funny, but I'm wondering if this site is also blocked by my district. Also, I'm guessing that the students would have to sign up for an account themselves, unless they can work through my account. Guess I'm just thinking aloud.

Shamina said...

Matthew this was an awesome find!!! I absolutely love it. I am going to this site right now to play around with it. I enjoyed very much Matt. Thanks for sharing.

Jennifer Geiger said...

Matt, I can't wait to have my students try this with Shakespeare! Truly! I think they would get a real kick out of choosing the actors to play the parts and I think that thought process will become part of the rubric (Why is Romeo played by the clown and so on). I hope this isn't blocked, but I'm going to see if I can get it unblocked for our school!

Vegatron said...
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Vegatron said...

Thanks for the laugh! I had to watch this more than once…and share it with a co-worker.

Text to movie creator = awesome.

This is definitely something I can see myself using in the classroom. Since these can be short clips and are easily shared and viewed through mobile devices, this is a great tool to engage students in second or foreign language learning through this new style of storytelling. The characters and automated voices are hilarious and it will be easy to incorporate this into a lesson. Thanks for sharing!

Until next time, every good wish.


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