Sunday, December 12, 2010

BP_8 NetRocket

NetRocket is a social bookmarking tool with a bit of a twist. If you haven't used social bookmarking, I highly encourage you to start. The ability to have a virtual favorites list that you can access anywhere is reason enough. There are many good sites out there. Like all of these sites, Netrocket allows you to save you favorite links via the web so you can access them from any computer.

You simply add links by filling out a simple dialogue box.

What makes NetRocket different is its built in scheduler. NetRocket gives you the ability to set up email reminders to keep all of your online activity on track. You simply set the date and time you need to access a specific link and NetRocket well notify you so you do not forget. You can even set up recurring activities.

I set up a daily reminder to check my FSO email (I often forget to check that address since I cannot sync it to my phone). This could also be used for personal things like paying bills or work reminders like updating grades or posting lesson plans.

Even if you are not new to virtual bookmarking I recommend that you give this one a look.


Connie Harris said...

This looks like an interesting tool, but how different is it than I-Google? I have really come to depend on I-Google because it is such a great help to me. I couldn't imagine this being more useful, but then I never imagined a place which would organize me more!. I will definately have to check this out. Thank you

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